Carpool: Rice Faculty and staff who wish to carpool may each register for remote parking in the Greenbriar lot, then split the cost of a single premium lot or garage decal. Carpools must have three or more Rice employees and members must carpool 60% or more of the time to maintain carpool status. The carpool will receive one premium lot proximity card and a hangtag, which may be easily switched from car to car and should be displayed on the rear-view mirror. When carpool members are not carpooling and bring their own cars to campus, they will need to pay to park in a visitor garage or lot.
Two/Three-Wheeled Motor Vehicles: Motorcycle or moped permits may be purchased in addition to or instead of an automobile registration. If the registrant wishes to register one car and a motorcycle s/he will pay the same rate as if s/he were registering a car. Motorcycle permits must be placed on either the right front fork or the lower windshield. Motorcycles, scooters, and other like motorized vehicles must be registered by Rice Parking. After being permitted, owners must park in areas marked "Motorcycle Permit Only" in approved lots. Drivers of motor-driven vehicles must drive them only on the streets and may not park at bicycle racks, on sidewalks, in cloisters or other non-parking areas. Violators will be fined and/or booted or towed.